Most of us at one time or another will encounter a short-term financial situation that needs the injection of some cash to resolve. Maybe you need such a small amount of money that it does not make sense borrowing it over a long period, but the lenders will not allow you to borrow money for such a small amount of time. So what are you to do now, if your car is in need of repair and you have not got the money to repair it? This is where payday loans come in.A payday loan is designed to help people overcome short-term problems; as such they are only available for small amounts up to £750. However some lenders will actually restrict the amount that you can borrow the first time that you apply. Once the loan is repaid in its entirety on your next payday, they will then allow you to borrow more the next time you need any money. The lenders fees are simple and straight forward with a simple percentage added to the amount that you borrow. This means that you know exactly what the loan will cost you to repay, even before you apply, because there are no other hidden costs or admin fees.On successful completion of your loan the money is normally paid into your bank account on the same day that you apply, quite often without the need of any faxes or post. However in some cases where the lender is unable to confirm your details automatically they will request that you fax in some simple documentation to prove you are who you say you are.The lenders do what they can to make sure that they will only lend money to people who they think are able to repay them on their next payday. They do this because if you repay the loan on full at the end of the month then a payday loan is a viable option. However if you roll the loan over to another month or more, then you may as well have taken out a more long-term loan in the first place as that would then become a more cost effective alternative.So why do payday loans get so much bad publicity?The main reason that payday loans get as much bad publicity is because most people only look as far as the advertised APR (Annual Percentage Rate). What they should be doing is looking at what the loan is going to cost them in real terms, by looking at the total interest that is charged.So what is APR?The APR is the interest rate and any other charges expressed as an annual interest rate charge. The use of an APR is a useful way of comparing loans that are alike i.e. paid back over a longer period of time. But when you are comparing products which are miles apart such like payday loans with only one repayment or any other loan type that is repaid over numerous monthly repayments.See the details below which should make it easier for you to understand this;With a personal loan for £500 which has an APR of 19.9% taken out for 36 months will cost a total of £653 to repay; this equates to 31% being added to the cost of the loan in interest charges.If you were to take out the exact same loan but this time for 60 months it would cost a total £766 to repay the loan; this equates to an interest charge or 53% of the loan amount.Yet if you were to take out a payday loan for the same amount it would only cost you £625 to repay at an APR of 1737%; this equates to 25% being added in the way of interest.As you can see from the examples detailed above the APR for the two multiple repayment loans are exactly the same, yet the amount repaid and the actual interest charged expressed as a percentage of the amount borrowed is significantly different. They both also cost much more than a payday loan yet the APR indicates a totally different story.So if you need a small amount of cash to overcome a short-term financial issue ignore the APR and look at what the loan will actually cost you. You will then see that a payday loan is in fact a very competitive option indeed.
Designer Baby Clothes Can Be Affordable
One of the biggest trends in fashion today is designer clothes for babies. Babies no longer have to dress in just pastel pajamas, or be limited by what is available to the masses at the local mart. Now babies can also wear one-of-a-kind (or nearly so) couture and boutique fashions, just like adults.Some popular adult wear designers have also introduced a line for babies, such as Ralph Lauren, Lily Pulitzer, Tommy Hilfiger and Guess. These designer baby fashions can usually be found in the better departments stores, such as Lord and Taylor, Nordstrom’s and Macy’s. Department stores also feature other top brands of designer baby clothes like Little Me, Flapdoodles, Greendog, Icky Baby, First Impression, Little Bitty and Baby Nay to name just a few.Some designers offer their clothes through their own catalog’s and websites. A leader in this type of designer baby clothes is Hanna Anderson, who comes out with several new lines each season. Each line is available for infant through adult, with the adult and children clothes coordinating in each line. This designer has a certain number of clothing design styles that she is well known for, especially the Play Dresses with tights and leggings, and the organic cotton Jeeper Creepers and Wiggle Pants, with new colors and prints becoming available each season. At the end of each season, many items can be purchased at a great clearance price.Another type of designer baby wear is the brand name clothing found in their own stores in shopping malls, especially Gymboree and The Children’s Place. Prices may range from very inexpensive to quite pricey, depending on the store. Gymboree also comes out with several new lines each season, featuring several pieces and accessories available in each line. Gymboree has inspired a whole community of collectors and resellers who offer websites to keep track of all of the different lines, and people trade in order to get pieces in particular sets. Making purchases at Gymboree earns “Gymbucks” that offer 50% discounts on purchases over $50. The great thing about Gymbucks is that they can even be used on discounted sale merchandise. Some people will give away their Gymbucks if they are close to expiring – so check your local classified ads. There are also several outlets located throughout the U.S.Finally there are the “boutique fashions”. These are the designers who often design nothing but baby clothes, and their fashions may only be found at special baby boutiques. Baby boutique fashions run the gamut from widely available mass-produced fashions to hand-made unique specialty items. Some of the popular boutique brands include MishMish, CachCach, City Threads, Jack and Lily, Devi Baby, Dogwood, and Flowers by Zoe.The great thing about designer baby clothes is their resale value. Baby clothes are sometimes worn just once or twice, but the lower cost brands are so readily available that they don’t have the same resalable quality. You may be able to recoup a couple dollars or fifty cents at a garage sale, but when you purchase certain designer fashions, you are making an investment that you may be able to get your money back on. First, purchase your baby’s designer wear, preferably on sale. After your little one has worn it a few times, you may very well be able to turn around and resell it for a good price, getting some of your money back. That makes the final cost of the item comparable to that of the mainstream brands. This is also a good way for parents who think they can’t afford designer clothes for their babies to get very fashionable items, by buying gently used clothes at designer baby clothing consignment shops, and online at places such as e-Bay.
Purchase Order & Letter of Credit Financing
Many business opportunities come with an associated challenge. For most entrepreneurial businesses, the greatest challenge is financing the business opportunities created by your sales efforts. What are your options if you have a sales opportunity that is clearly too large for your normal scale of operations? Will your bank provide the necessary financing? Is your business a startup, or too new to meet the bank’s requirements? Can you tap into a commercial real estate loan or a home equity loan in sufficient time to conclude the transaction? Do you decline the order? Fortunately there is an alternative way to meet this challenge: You can use Purchase Order Financing & Letter of Credit financing to deliver the product and close the sale.What is purchase order financing?Purchase order financing is a specialized method of providing structured working capital and loans that are secured by accounts receivables, inventory, machinery, equipment and/or real estate. This type of funding is excellent for startup companies, refinancing existing loans, financing growth, mergers and acquisitions, management buy-outs and management buy-ins.Purchase order financing is based upon bona fide purchase orders from reputable, creditworthy companies, or government entities. Verification of the validity of the purchase orders is required. The financing is not based on your company’s financial strength. It is based on the creditworthiness of your customers, the strength of the commercial finance company funding the transaction, and in most cases a letter of credit.What is a letter of credit?A letter of credit is a letter from a bank guaranteeing that a buyer’s payment to a seller will be received on time and for the correct amount. If the buyer is unable to make payment for the purchase, the bank is required to cover the full amount of the purchase. In a purchase order financing transaction, the bank relies on the creditworthiness of the commercial finance company in order to issue the letter of credit. The letter of credit “backs up” the purchase order financing to the supplier, or manufacturer.Is purchase order financing appropriate for your sales program?The perfect paradigm is a distributor buying products from a supplier and shipping directly to the purchaser. Importers of finished goods, exporters of finished goods, out-source manufacturers, wholesalers and distributors can effectively use purchase order financing to grow their businesses.Is purchase order financing appropriate for growing your sales orders?Purchase order financing requires you to have management expertise- a proven track record in your particular business. You must have bona fine purchase orders from reputable firms that can be verified. And you must have a repayment plan; often this is from a commercial finance company in the form of accounts receivable or asset-based financing.You should have a gross margin of at least 25% to benefit from purchase order financing. Sellers of services or commodities with low margins, such as lumber or grain, will not qualify.The bottom line decision for purchase order financing:It can take two or more years to develop a profitable business. Banks generally base their lending limits on a business’ performance for the past two or three years. Purchase order financing, combined with letters of credit and/or accounts receivable or asset-based financing can give you sufficient funds to cover your operating costs, financing costs and still realize significant profits. If you qualify for purchase order financing, you can grow your business by taking advantage of large purchase orders and eventually qualify for bank financing.Copyright ©2007
Gregg Financial Services